Category Archives: feature author

I need book suggestions. Please help.

I’m needing some suggestions on what to read. I’m looking around my house at my bookshelves and am realizing that I don’t feel like reading any of those books yet. I am currently in the process of reading two books 1) Woman’s Inhumanity to Woman by Phyliss Chesler and 2) Off the Record by Elizabeth White.

My tastes in books are rather unusual…I tend to read just about anything as long as it keeps my interest. I usually read the classics, with some chick-lit when I don’t want to think. I also tend to read non-fiction on whatever subject strikes my fancy at the time or if I’m doing research on whatever topic is of interest at the time. Lately I have been reading Christian Fiction and blogging about it. I like to read young adult and children’s books also.

So anyway I was wondering what you, my readers, have to suggest for me to read. I’m running out of books and need help. Let me rephrase that…I’m running out of books that I feel like reading at the moment and need help. I don’t think I will ever run out of books because I keep buying more and haven’t read all that I already own.

So dear, dear readers…help me. Help me find some books to read. All suggestions are most welcome.

Also don’t forget about my book giveaway that ends Friday at midnight, October 12. I am giving away a copy of Demon: A Memoir by Tosca Lee. You can read about the author and the first chapter of Demon on my Feature Authors page. Saturday morning I will randomly draw a winner. This contest is open to those with a U.S. address only.

October’s Feature Author

Don’t forget to check out my Feature Authors Page. This month’s feature author is Tosca Lee author of Demon: A Memoir. On this page you will be able to read the first chapter of her book. If you’ve been reading my blog you will know that I absolutely loved this book. This is my review of Demon.

As a member of the FIRST blog alliance I post the first chapter of the author’s latest book on the first day of the month. Another perk is I have been able to read and review the books! I love my life! If you are interested in joining click on the FIRST button in my blogroll.